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a place for journeys - my grief journey, my travel journeys, and my life journeys
Apr 27, 20225 min read
the heart of it all
Q: How are you? A: Fine. Q: How are you? A: I’m good. You? Q: How you doing? A: Doing well. You? Q: How you doing? A: I’m okay. Q: How...
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Apr 20, 20227 min read
you are a liar
So today I am struggling. Really, I have been for a couple of weeks, off and on. I spoke about the big wave that I was seeing off in the...
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Apr 5, 20227 min read
the pummeling waves of grief: part one
The sky - a fully saturated blue stretched out as far as I can see. A stray cloud paints the sky with a feather touch - a wispy stroke of...
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Feb 25, 20227 min read
wake me up when september ends
They say the loneliest walk you'll ever take is the one down the road of grief. So far they are right (whoever they are). This post is...
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